
For Agriterra, I co-created and co-facilitated a five-day training in Ougagadougou, Burkina Faso with business advisors working for different regional offices of Agriterra in West Africa. The business advisors work with agricultural cooperatives. One of their roles is to train cooperatives on different topics. One of these topics is MyCoop which covers the basic functioning Read More

This training was one of the first organised by the Benin office of MDF West Africa. I prepared and facilitated the four day training in Parakou with participants from different organisations working in Benin on programmes and projects focusing on business development, youth employment, agriculture and women empowerment. The training offered practical theories and tools Read More

For MDF Training & Consultancy, commissioned by Enabel, I facilitated a four day workshop in Kisangani, Democratic Republic of Congo, with 54 actors involved in programmes on education, transport and agriculture. The workshop focused on exchanging on results of the programs on different levels, lessons learned, possibilities for synergies between different programms, and strategic reorientations. Read More

For MDF Training & Consultancy, commissioned by the Financial Education and Training Agency of the Ministry of Finance of Indonesia I cocreated and facilitated a training on impact assessment of training. The Agency carries out over 400 trainings on a yearly bases and wanted to get a grip on how to measure the impact of Read More

For MDF Training & Consultancy commisioned by the European Commission, I facilitated several trainings to candidates for EUAid volunteer posts all over the world. The trainings were part of two week trajectories to prepare candidates to work abroad. During this intense trajectory, in which a lot of information was shared, I carried out training sessions Read More

For  MDF West Africa, commissioned by SOS Children’s Villages International, I designed and facilitated a three day team retreat near Dakar, Senegal, with the multi-cultural management team. The team retreat was part of a yearly retreat and focused on different topics like: how to establish and strengthen trust in the team; the different stages of team Read More

For the Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation, I designed and facilitated a workshop in Kumasi, Ghana, with over 85 actors of the cassave value chain. The workshop was organised in the context of the international course ‘Gender issues in value chains’ organised by the bureau of Integrated Rural Development of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science Read More

For the Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment, I had the pleasure to be part of a team to strengthen capacities of establishing environment organisations in different countries in the central African region (i.e. Burundi, Rwanda, Congo, Cameroon, Gabon, Central African Republic and Democratic Republic of Congo). The goal of these organisations is to promote (strategic) Read More

For MDF Afrique Centrale, on request of IRC, I designed and facilitated a trajectory with training and coaching for project managers working in the health programme of IRC in Goma, D.R. Congo. They first participated in a five-day training of trainers during which they learned the different roles of a trainer, the steps involved in designing Read More

For Librefoundation I trained community members in Kenia and staff of small grassroot based organisations in Togo operating in the field of waste management, education, orphan support, micro-finance, women empowerment, and farmer empowerment on grassroot leadership. Topics discussed, in a highly interactive manner, were developing vision, motivate people, negotiation, different leadership styles, teamwork and all Read More

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